Friday, February 3, 2012

Different Teaching Styles

For a recent class assignment we were all asked to visit the exhibit “Lincoln, the Constitution, and the Civil War,” and teach aspects of the exhibit to a class. This assignment was interesting not in the way that I personally taught it, but in the way others taught the topic. Teaching can be very hard and making it interesting to students is itself a daunting challenge. Every person presenting in class had a different method of teaching. My method was to primarily use Lincoln’s quotes on certain issues to illustrate how he felt about the issues. Some people had mostly fact-based presentations like myself. Others had more interactive lessons planned for the class. One presentation in particular stood out in which the presenter asked us as a class to assemble a large amount of dates during the Civil War and match them to events that took place in the War. This activity was fun and engaged the whole class in the topic, while also teaching about the different events that took place during the Civil War. I realize now that although I am still proud of my presentation, it could have benefited by including more class interaction with the topics I covered. 

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